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Use this secure page to submit your COMPLETED School Support Notice(s). If you have not received a School Support Notice from the City of Calgary, download a Notice first.

Property Information


9-digit number found on all property tax documents. No spaces or dashes.

Additional Roll Number and Address

Property Owner Information

Minimum 10 digits.  No spaces or dashes.

In this section, attach a scan or picture of the COMPLETED and SIGNED School Support Notice(s). You may attach up to 3 files of type PDF, JPG or JPEG. Each attached file cannot be larger than 2MB in size.

    (Maximum file size is 2MB)  Please upload a document with the following extension: '.pdf,.jpg,.jpeg'.

      (Maximum file size is 2MB)

        (Maximum file size is 2MB)

        The personal information on this form is collected for the purpose of allocating the school portion of your property taxes to either the public or separate school district. This information is collected under the authority of the Education Act, Section 147 or 148 and the Municipal Government Act, Section 303(g). The information is protected by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP), Section 33(c). Should you have any questions regarding the collection of this personal information, contact the Tax and Receivable FOIP Administrator at 311 or (403) 268-CITY(2489) or by writing to IMC #8059, PO Box 2405, Station M, Calgary, AB  T2P 3L9.