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Please use this form to send your comments relating to an upcoming Council or Committee matter, or to request to speak on an upcoming public hearing item.


In accordance with sections 43 through 45 of Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, the information provided may be included in the written record for Council and Council Committee meetings which are publicly available through  Comments that are disrespectful or do not contain required information may not be included.



Personal information provided in submissions relating to matters before Council or Council Committees is collected under the authority of Bylaw 35M2017 and Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act of Alberta, and/or the Municipal Government Act (MGA) Section 636, for the purpose of receiving public participation in municipal decision-making and scheduling speakers for Council or Council Committee meetings. Your name and comments will be made publicly available in the Council or Council Committee agenda and minutes. If you have questions regarding the collection and use of your personal information, please contact City Clerk’s Legislative Coordinator at 403-268-5861, or City Clerk’s Office, 700 Macleod Trail S.E., P.O. Box 2100, Postal Station ‘M’ 8007, Calgary, Alberta, T2P 2M5.


Please note that your name and comments will be made publicly available in the Council or Council Committee agenda and minutes. Your e-mail address will not be included in the public record. 


The purpose of The City of Calgary is to make life better every day. To fully realize our purpose, we are committed to addressing racism and other forms of discrimination within our programs, policies, and services and eliminating barriers that impact the lives of Indigenous, Racialized, and other marginalized people. It is expected that participants will behave respectfully and treat everyone with dignity and respect to allow for conversations free from bias and prejudice.

Your name will be pronounced phonetically. Phonetic pronunciation of your first and last names is saying them as they sound, not as they are written.

Here are some examples: Ken Barowski (Ken Ba-ROFF-skee) , Maria Nguyen (Mah-REE-ah WIN)

What agenda item do you wish to comment on? (Refer to the Council or Committee agenda published here.) 

If you are submitting a comment or wish to bring a presentation or any additional materials to Council, please insert below.

Maximum of 6MB per submission (2 attachments, 3 MB per pdf document, word, excel, audio, image, video).

If you have additional files to attach, email them to

Please refrain from providing personal information in your attachments.